Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Dr. Hauschka Skin Care

Last Thursday I was invited to the shop BeYOUtiful in Sandbach, where they held a wonderful event with a guest speaker from Dr. Hauschka to talk about skincare and their product line.

The evening begun with a bit of history about how Dr. Rudolf Hauschka valued natural ingredients that are certified organicly obtained from bio-dynamic farm based in Germany; policies which they still stand by now. A cruelty-free, vegan friendly brand that is natrue approved, majorly caught my attention!

A selection of their products were then demonstrated on each of us, from their cleansing milks, to their moisturisers. I left the event with a goody bag from them and a few mini products that were suggested for me to trial.

Melissa Day Cream

Recommended due to my combination and sensitive skin, Melissa Day Cream first off smells like lemon sherbert which got my attention. This cream helps hydrate my patchy areas as well as controlling shine. With ingregients of melissa, dasiy, witch hazel and anthyllis, they all help to soothe and help balance my skin. So far, so good using the mini version of this product, but I'll continue using it daily until I've run out.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Lush: The Comforter Bubble Bar

Whether it's due to the scent, the colour or the bubbles; theres something about Lush's The Comforter Bubble Bar that keeps me using this product as my go-to bubbe bath bar.

Alike many others, this is my favourite bubble bar from Lush, as it produces fruitful bubbles that help transform your boring bath, into one covered in foamy bubbles

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Prairie Charms- Luau Party Box

Prairie Charms have created a themed accessory subscription box called Prairie Pizzazz. The current box's theme embraces the summer and so is called Luau Party. Think Hawaii, hula girls, punch and flowers and you're on the right track. 

I was greeted by themed confetti when opening the box, then below the tissue paper lay more confetti and straw on which my new products lay. The nine products (a lot I know, yay) that I got in my box are...